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​The Wilk-Amite


Advertising in The Wilk-Amite Record...

We welcome advertising by individuals and businesses.  We want and need YOUR business.    We'll help you sell individual items or get the word out to thousands of potential customers!   ...Or help you win an election!

A CLASSIFIED AD for an individual is $6.00 for 20 words or less, then 10 cents a word afterwards.
A date is counted as three words.
A phone number is counted as one word.

A Card of Thanks is $10.00 for up to 100 words, then 10 cents a word afterwards.

Pictures are $5.00 for publication.  Photos on the front page and back page of the newspaper are printed in color.  We'll do our best to print yours in color but reserve the editorial right to use black & white as circumstances dictate.

A "Lordy Lordy..." birthday ad is $25.00 with a photo, $20.00 without a photo.

A LEGAL NOTICE is 12 cents a word for the first run, 10 cents a word for additional runs.

A business card size ad in our DIRECTORY OF BUSINESSES section is $36.00 per week.
A business card size ad on our CHURCH PAGE is $36.00 per week.

DISPLAY ADS for business or political ads are $6.00 per column inch, per week.  A column inch is approximately 1 and 1/2 inches wide.
Accordingly, the following size ads, in inches, cost:

2X4          $  48.00
2X5              60.00
3x4               72.00
3X5              90.00
2X8              96.00
2X10            120.00
3X8              144.00
1/4 page      198.00
1/2 page      396.00
Full page     792.00   

Ads may be mailed to Wilk-Amite Record, PO Box 130, Gloster MS 39638.    

E-mailed to:  [email protected].

Phoned to:  (601) 841-5100.

Faxed to:    (601) 225-4531.  (Please telephone 601-841-5100 also if 
faxing an ad, thanks!)